A Research-Based strategy to Reduce the lntolerant Usage of History Teaching
Making History work for Tolerance: A Research-Based Strategy to Reduce the Intolerant Usage of History Teaching in 5 EU Countries project addressed the need to reduce political manipulations with history teaching in order to increase tolerance among majority and minority population (including migrants) in 4 EU countries (Denmark, Latvia, Romania, and Slovakia) and to reduce xenophobia. The project covered three phases such Research, Capacity Building and Advocacy and EU-wide Advocacy within one year and a half period (2013 January-2014 June). As a result of the research phase of the project, national, and comparative reports which reflect the research findings in 4 project countries were published. National and comparative reports were presented to the public of teachers, and EU Officials during the advocacy event in Brussels. A half day active workshop was part of the 1st advocacy event in Brussels. This workshop aimed to collect recommendations of teachers and policy-makers on increasing tolerance in history education in project countries. All 4 project countries advocated their research findings and recommendations in their countries as well. Followed with the advocacy events, a group of national and international experts developed the framework for methodological guide for history teachers. This material was used to develop a capacity of teachers in project countries.
The research Comparative Report, the Policy Brief, as well as the Syllabus with the Learning Activities can be found here
Project Aims
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- assess whether, and if so in which ways the political and public discourses about the goals and methods of teaching history support intolerant attitudes towards other ethnic groups and feed xenophobic attitudes among teacher, parents and students, and publish the resulting study;
- publish in the national media in 4 EU countries articles analysing government- endorsed approaches to history teaching as well as articles analysing (if relevant) common misconceptions regarding the usefulness of a single nation- state narrative of history and the role media and political parties play in promoting this simplistic approach to history;
- develop and publish in 5 EU languages (Latvian, Romanian, Slovak, Danish and English) a course material (online version and hard copy) for teacher training (supplementary in-service training) in order to improve the capacity of history teachers to counter exclusionary rhetoric and xenophobia through multidisciplinary and interactive approaches to history teaching;
- develop and deliver in 4 EU countries a training module for history teachers in order to enable them to counter exclusionary and manipulative rhetoric used by far-right groups and actors seeking to monopolise history for divisive political goals;
- conduct workshops on modern approaches to history teaching in a globalised world for members of parents’ associations in 5 EU countries.
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- The study and the articles published by project participants provoked debate about the goals of history teaching (responses published in the media) at least in 3 of the 4 countries.
- At least one initiative in support of history teaching as a vehicle for tolerance and intercultural dialogue in each of the 4 countries 1 year after the project end, involving at least some of the history teachers and/ or parents who took part in the training modules.
- Debate on the uses and abuses of history at stakeholders forums of the intergovernmental bodies (e.g. Platform for Intercutural Europe).
- New transnational initiatives (not only national level)
- Extensive media coverage of project outcomes (resulting from participants’ publications, events and press releases
Project Managers
Steven Stegers, EuroClio Programme Director
Blandine Smilansky, former EuroClio Senior Project Manager
Aysel Gojayeva, former EuroClio Project Manager
NEPC: Lana Jurko, Teuta Mihili & Marko Kovacic
PROVIDUS: Linda Curika & Maria Golubeva
Orava Association for Democratic Education: Marcela Maslova
Danish HTA: Benny Christensen & Jenny Strid