This Conference builds on previous IAIE conferences and focuses on the intersection of intercultural education and peace education. The intersectional approach becomes all the more vital at a time when intolerance and challenges to democratic principles, as well as ongoing wars worldwide, threaten to unravel the fabric of societies everywhere. The conference further connects to the fields of Multicultural Education, Human Rights Education, Citizenship Education, and Education for Democracy and Global Education. The international conference will enable teachers, students, and academics to exchange insights and experiences, all the while exposing them to state of the art research on issues relating to peace, diversity, and education.


  • Peace Education
  • Intercultural and Human Rights Education in Divided Societies: Theory and Practice
  • Refugees and Education (both for and about refugees)
  • Museums as Educational Spaces; Critical and Engaging Geographies
  • Empowering Young People Around Issues of War and Peace
  • Teaching and Research Methodologies to Address Division and Conflict
  • Challenging Dominant Narratives through History Education
  • Cooperative Learning – Facing and Answering the Challenges of the 21st Century
  • Technology, Education and Cultural Diversity
  • Including Media Pedagogy and Literacy as a Tool to Combat
  • Disinformation, Sexual Diversity Education


For each of the categories, we are currently asking for abstracts

All abstracts should be sent by June 1, 2023 directly to Ivona Hiristova: Please make sure to indicate your preferred presentation date. We cannot guarantee that your presentation will happen on the specific but we will try our best.

For more information about the abstract submission see the call for papers here.