Are you and your EuroClio Member Association interested in hosting the next EuroClio Annual Conference? Do you believe you have the perfect location and theme for our 28th Annual Conference of 2021?
Then, we are looking for you!
We are glad to announce that we are opening a call for Member Associations to host the Annual Conference 2021.
Who can apply?
Every EuroClio Member Association who has participated in the General Assembly, EuroClio projects, or EuroClio trainings in the past five years.
How to apply?
To apply, please send a draft budget, draft programme, and letter of motivation to Alice Modena at
- The draft budget should indicate prices for accommodation, meals, and the cultural programme and should not exceed 70 euro costs per person per day when taking into consideration 100, 150, and 200 participants.
- The draft programme should indicate the proposed theme, keynote, cultural programme, evening programme, school visits, and topic for an additional session. Below, you can see more details on the programme requirements.
- The letter of motivation should indicate why your Member Association would like to host the Annual Conference 2021, what kind of experience you already have and would like to gain, and how you would like to promote the conference in your country and abroad.
The deadline for applications is Sunday 1 March 2020.
Selection Criteria
The selection will be based on: completeness of the application, relevance of the theme to the overall mission of EuroClio, appeal to the international community of history and citizenship educators, financial feasibility, ease of access to the conference location, and geographic balance (relative to recent Annual Conferences).
Selection process
We will shortlist three potential locations and reach out to the finalists with follow-up questions. The final decision will be made by 22 March, so that we can announce the location of the Annual Conference 2021 at the upcoming General Assembly.
Programme Requirements
The theme. The Annual Conference you are proposing should have an inspiring theme, which speaks to history and citizenship educators from across Europe and beyond and is related to what your conference location has to offer. Examples of themes from the past few years:
- Controversy and Disagreement in the Classroom (2020, Belgrade, Serbia);
- Bringing History to Life (2019, Gdansk, Poland);
- Mediterranean Dialogues (2018, Marseille, France);
- Intersections (2017, San Sebastian, Spain);
- Reimagining Remembrance (2016, Belfast, Northern Ireland).
Programme content. Every session of the programme should be connected to the theme.
The final programme will be set by EuroClio as it must meet existing commitments and support our strategic plan. However, we want you as a local partner to also have a strong say. For this reason, in the application we ask you to advance a proposal for:
- A topic for a Keynote Lecture to set the tone of the Annual Conference
- An interesting cultural programme (including three different on-site learning options)
- An interesting optional programme for early arrivals
- An evening programme for one evening
- A topic for a panel discussion / world café / discussion tables (of your choice)
As a host, you are expected to help arrange school visits.
The Annual Conference will also include active workshops, both from participants and from speakers invited by EuroClio, and other sessions still to be determined.
Budget Requirements
In order for EuroClio to be able to organize the Annual Conference, the hard cost can be maximum 70 euro per day per person. The difference between this and the conference fees is needed to offer discounts to members and workshop hosts and to cover the costs of the board and secretariat.
The hard costs consist of:
- Meeting rooms
- Dinner, including a final festive dinner
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Cultural programme – Including transport
- Costs of speakers.
Please provide a scenario for 100, 150, and 200 persons. If it is not possible to keep the costs within these limits, it is necessary that you include a plan to acquire additional funding in the application. In such a case, please indicate the donor, the deadline to apply for the funding, who should apply, and indicative amount.