The tenure of Chair Professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights by Special Appointment of EuroClio at the University of Groningen, held by Prof. Dr. Antoon de Baets, has been extended until December 2022.
On 17 April 2014, Dr. Antoon De Baets became professor by special appointment in History, Ethics and Human Rights at the Faculty of Arts in collaboration with EuroClio. This chair, at the intersection between history, ethics and human rights, is unique in the world. It has been founded with the aim of supporting the extensive interest in recent decades both within and outside the University of Groningen for the principle of academic integrity, which has led to an ‘ethical wave’ within the history profession as well.
Since 1995, prof. dr. de Baets has coordinated the Network of Concerned Historians. Furthermore, he works on issues such as the relationship between historical writing and democracy; historians and archivists killed for political reasons; the subversive power of historical parallels; posthumous privacy and reputation; intergenerational awareness; iconoclastic breaks with the past; academic freedom; history-related complaints before the United Nations; the legal framework of historical writing; among other topics.
On behalf of EuroClio, prof. dr. De Baets has undertaken a number of projects of importance to both the association and the academic community. De Baets has imparted a number of high-profile keynote speeches and lectures, including lectures involving the High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Institute for Global Justice and at EuroClio’s Annual Conferences.
The unique nature of this Chair, the indisputable quality of prof dr. De Baets’ work, his many publications as the 2019 book Crimes Against History published by Routledge, fill EuroClio with enthusiasm and pride. The Association looks forward to continuing the fruitful collaboration with prof. dr. De Baets and the University of Groningen.
Written By Agustín De Julio, EuroClio Trainee