In Between? Searching for local histories in borderlands of Europe is an educational project organized by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, that consists of study visits to 4 multicultural regions of Central Eastern Europe in search of local histories. This projects aims to improve the knowledge that young people, aged 18-25, have of the history of 20th-century East-Central Europe. Participants will be equipped with the tools and methods necessary for examining and documenting the past, including oral reports and audio-visual materials concerning the history and identities of Europe’s border communities. The participants selected in the recruitment process are going to take part in workshops and study visits to one of the four European regions.
After the workshops, the participants (in teams of six) will go for week-long study visits (3-10.04.2016) to border places in four regions of East-Central Europe (Bukovina, Lubuskie Region, Banská Bystrica Region and Transylvania). The visits will result in collecting interviews and audio-visuals documents which reflect the past of a given region. The project participants will also attempt to make the narratives that they will have collected a part of a broader context of Europe’s regional history. The project will close with a conference to be held in Warsaw in late 2016.
For more information about the application procedures, please visit the project’s website.