On 30 September and 1 October, EuroClio Director Jonathan Even-Zohar, joined the consultancy group in Strasbourg, headed by Ms Tatiana Milko, Director of the History Education Unit of the Council of Europe, to fine-tune and plan ahead the Council’s project on Teaching history for diversity and democracy. The project will be built around two phases. In the first phase (2016-2017,), there will be four regional seminars organised in different parts of Europe, which will lead to a collection of effective practice. The seminars will be preceded with surveys to scan current curricula and other teaching challenges. In the second phase Europe-wide recommendations are to be produced. The meeting was very fruitful, and helped to prepare the action planning which should be furthered in November.
EuroClio2020-10-05T11:07:10+02:00October 7, 2015|Categories: Association|Tags: Consultancy Group, Diversity and Democracy, Teaching History|