November and December were busy months for the Sharing History, Cultural Dialogues project team. The Editors meeting in the Hague (12-17 November 2014) was followed by the Conference on Responsible History in Bazaleti (27-30 November), and after the meeting with the National Editors and Steering Committee Members between 1-2 December 2014 in Tbilisi. All three events influenced the progress of development of the educational modules significantly. During the meeting with the National Editors from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in Tbilisi which was coordinated by Editor-in-Chief of the project, Julia Kushnereva, navigator and glossary sections of all the edited modules were finalized and the planning for the next year of the project were made. In parallel to this meeting, Steering Committee Members convened in Tbilisi to reflect on the previous year of the project, its challenges and achievements, and shared their thoughts and recommendations on the final year of the project, and looked broadely on the future of the Black Sea programme, and marked the importance of continuing the work in the region using the existing experiences, and the material developed. In 2015, the project team will continue their work on finalizing the editing of the educational modules, and look for means and support in realizing the national trainings using the developed material, and possibly present the material to the wider public in the region.
For questions contact Aysel Gojayeva.
Visit the project page here.